Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Maggie is already 5 months old. I think that most of the time I am so grateful to know that she is the last baby coming to our family. Maybe because most of the time I am sooooo tired and lose patience too quickly.
However, there are those moments that I find myself holding her just a little longer, cuddling her just a little closer, kissing her just a few more times, listening to her coo and giggle with coos and giggles of my own, and watching her just a little more intently because I know this is it.
She is such a perfect addition to our family - I just love her!!


Erika said...

Oh what a sweetheart! Five months?! Isn't she just a newborn?? Sheesh, time flies.

J said...

Oooh. I love cuddling my "last" one. She is three though, but I still call her baby and she acts like one too (probably for my sake.) As excited as I am to move on past diapers and bottles, I love to cuddle.

McDermott's said...

Oh Lisa!! She is so cute! I just love her cute little smile. She is an original -- can see the resemblance to your other kids but she is just her own sweet, cute little Maggie. Just love her! Can't wait to see her in person.