Monday, April 13, 2009

Time Flies...

I don't know why, but the other day I was taking some pictures of the girls and we ended up taking this one. I didn't think about it at the time, but when the pictures were downloading, I remembered taking similar pictures when they were much younger. After a little searching, I found them. How fun it is to see how much they have grown and changed. They look so grown up now. I didn't realize how much like little girls and not like babies that they looked - my babies are growing up. (in the early pictures, Emma is on the right and Grayce is on the left - in the more recent pictures, they are switched).


April said... really has been too long since I have seen you. The girls are getting so big, and so adorable. I hate watching them grow up because that means that mine are getting bigger too....can't they just stay little forever??!!! Miss ya...hope everything is going well.

Maja said...

What cute girls! I bet it is so fun for them to have each other. i am sure it has it's drawbacks too.?

Erika said...

The girls are getting so big, it's fun to see how they've grown!