Monday, April 6, 2009

Grandparents' Day

Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. ~Alex Haleyalt

Nick's parents came down for Grandparents' Day at the kids' school on Friday. Abby and Bryant had so much fun. There were all sorts of activities throughout the school for the kids to do with their grandparents. Anything from their pictures being taken to doing their handprints together. It was great! Plus, they got to go to lunch with Gram and Papa afterward. Tyler even got to go to lunch with them. There is no doubt that for that time on that day, my kids knew they were important. What wonderful grandparents they have - we are so lucky to have them.


Erika said...

How very fun, and what a sweet idea!

Lifes Great Adventures said...

How nice of Tedra & Mack to come spent gp-day with your cute kids! I remember the time we had that day as a kid and the great memories!