Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Decorating the Tree

We finally got the tree downstairs decorated a couple of weeks ago. The kids thought it was great when we pulled out their own individual tote of decorations. We have had a tradition in our house to let the kids pick out one tree ornament each Christmas. They pick anything they want and we use write their name and the year on it, use it to decorate the tree and then when Christmas is over we pack their own ornaments into their own totes. Then, when they leave home to be on their own, we will send them with their own collection of ornaments to start with. Anyway, they have a lot of fun discovering and remembering their own ornaments each year.

As you can imagine, our final product is a tree that has ornaments from the middle of the tree and up!!


April said...

What a wonderful idea. I get ornaments for my kids every year, but didn't think about letting them pick them or keeping a separate box for each of them. Much easier to divide that way when they move out...they will move out one day, right??!!!

J said...

I love that idea. You are so organized Lisa. How cool for your kids.