Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nursery Concert

After Abby, Bryant, and Tyler sang the song they were asked to do in sacrament meeting a couple of weeks ago for the camera, Grayce and Emma wanted to be part of the festivities. So, we eagerly recorded them singing some of their favorite songs from nursery. I know I am their mom - but they are so stinkin' cute when they sing. And, they love it so much!!


J said...

So Cute!!!

McDermott's said...

Yes, I have to totally agree. They ARE so stinkin cute. They just made me smile and laugh at their actions. Good job Mom!!!! I love to see what you guys are doing and how fast your family is growing. So important for you to ENJOY them. Keep posting --- I love it!

Erika said...

Love it. They are sweet things. You were always good at video taping. I, on the other hand, constantly forget.

New Year's Resolution (in April) for myself...take more videos!!