Saturday, February 7, 2009

Grayce Update...

Well, I have to admit that I didn't think we would ever be staying in the hospital this long. But, we are seeing improvements. Grayce spent most of the evening yesterday playing on the floor and on room air - no extra oxygen. She had to have some oxygen during the night because everyone has lower oxygen levels when they sleep (we take shallower breaths). But, she only had 1/4 liter/hour. To put it in perspective, she had to have 2.5 liters/hour the first couple of days. So, we are looking better. They told us that she has to get better with her oxygen (than the 2.5) and drink more on her own before she could go home. She is still on IV, but they lowered that from 60 mL/hour to 40mL/hour. So, we are making improvements for sure. Nick and I are getting really good at reattaching the oxygen monitor, and have even had to reattach the IV connection. They have lovingly nicknamed Grayce "the tornado" because she is constantly getting her cords twisted and off. At least that means she is moving around. The first couple of days she was so lethargic and just laid on my lap. So, I don't care how many times we have to reattach or untwist cords/wires if it means she is moving and happy.
We finally have seen her smile come back last night and this morning. She is starting to seems more like her regular self again. :)
Thanks for all of the kindnesses - notes, messages, phone calls, visits, etc. It is so nice to have good friends and family that obviously care about us and Grayce.
The other kids are doing well. They are with Nick's parents at our house. They have been so good to take care of all of the other necessities of life for us at home. The kids are starting to feel a little anxious and I am sure they will benefit from Grayce being home and things getting back to normal too.
We are meeting with the doctor when he does his rounds sometime early this afternoon. Hopefully by then we will know if we can go home or not.
Thanks again for all of your concern and especially prayers on our behalf.


April said...

It is good to hear that she is doing better. I am so glad that she is smiling again, it is no fun to not have your babies smile. I hope that she comes home soon...keep us updated.

The Gearharts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erika said...

Sorry, that deleted comment was from me, I was signed in under the wrong name! I am glad she is doing better. It is torture watching your baby sick, especially when they are not smiling, etc. We are praying for you. Hang in there!

Lifes Great Adventures said...

We hear Graycie is doing better! You guys have been in our thoughts and prayers!

J said...

Mark had RSV when he was two and it kept him in the hospital for a week. No fun. I am glad she is all better now.