Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Abby's Birthday

Abby had a great birthday this year.  She got a pogo-stick and a Christmas dress.  She was so excited.  It is fun to see her so happy.  I can't believe my little baby is 9.  I still vividly remember when she was a little baby.  Now, she seems so grown up to me.  I can't help but think of how quickly time is passing and will pass.  I guess it is times like these that help us keep things in perspective and to remember to cherish and love the moments we have now.  Anyway, it was a great birthday and so much fun.  Abby is a beautiful 9-year-old now and is actively involved with Knowledge Bowl, Lehi City Children's Choir, Basketball, Violin, Piano, Baseball, Friends, etc. (some of which is seasonal, of course).  She is a great student and LOVES to read.  She is a tremendous help to us here at home and is always one to make us laugh - sometimes she even means to!!  We love our Abby (or as Grayce calls her, "Aba")!!


April said...

Happy Birthday Abby!!

J said...

I still can't get over the fact that we have 9 year olds. I can remember dropping by your house to see little Abby when she was only three.

I love hearing all of the fun things she is involved in. I can appreciate all the hard work it takes to keep them active and cultured. KEEP IT UP! You are amazing Lisa.