Friday, November 14, 2008


This fall Abby and Bryant both participated in the nationally sponsored PTA Reflections program.  The theme was "WOW."  Abby wrote a poem and illustrated the background (only the poem was judged).  Bryant painted a piece of wood and decorated it (his is only judged at the school level because of the category he entered).  We went to the awards assembly last night at their school.  Bryant won a ribbon for participation.  Abby won a trophy for the "Award of Excellence."  Abby's is going on to the district level to be judged there.  They both worked hard and did amazingly well.  It was fun to watch them decide what to do - it really reflected their personalities.  Anyway, we are so proud of both of them and think they did GREAT!!  Good job Abby and Bryant!!!

1 comment:

J said...

I love the opportunities the kids have to create and be recognized for it. Good for them. P.S. I love your Michael Buble music. He is a favorite of mine.