Monday, March 23, 2009

We Have an Annoucement...

We have 5 new additions to our "7 Family." On Friday, March 20th (the first day of Spring), our cat Kallie had baby kittens. There are five of them - 2 black ones, 1 cream one, 1 orange/brown one, and 1 gray one. They are absolutely beautiful animals. I wish we could keep every one of them. Kallie has been such a good mom. She is very protective of her babies. She is okay with Nick and I being in near her. But, if the kids come in she scoops them all in and puts herself over them so that they are safe. It is fun to watch.
We were shocked when we went out to feed animals before bed and her little baby meows. We had to search for a while to find her, but she had given birth in an old carseat we had in the garage. Needless to say we will be throwing that carseat away. We didn't even really know she was pregnant. I had mentioned to Nick a couple of times that I thought she looked big and was suspecting she might be pregnant. I guess I should have investigated further.
Anyway, here is our newest...

...not what you thought was it??? ;)


Erika said...

I love kitties, too bad I am allergic, our friends here just had kittens also and they are so sweet. Congrats on your new additions. I bet the kids are loving it! I know my kids are loving our friends' kitties!!

Lifes Great Adventures said...

I love the music with the video:) I love kittens I wish they would stay that way!

Stefanie said...

So cute. I remember as a kid how excited I was when our cat had kittens, I'm sure your kids can't get enough of them.