Halloween... What a holiday. I don't love it, but the kids sure had fun. Kind of funny that we go door to door asking for candy only to give it out at our own house. We need to have the kids periodically come home and dump their stash so we can weed out all of the "not-so-good" stuff and give it out at the door - I should remember that for next year.
Actually, the kids were really cute and we all had a great time. Abby and Tyler were done after about an hour. However, Bryant wanted more. So, he and mom went back out with a couple of his friends for about another hour. We dumped out his bucket when we stopped at home to drop off Abby and Ty. So, when we started up again, it was empty. So, at the first house we went to after that, the man that came to the door asked Bry and his friends if they were just getting started. Bryant's quick response was, "This is my 4th bucket!!"
Abby, Grayce, and Emma were all cute fairies this year. Bryant and Tyler were both astronauts. They all looked great!