Maggie Lisa Ball was born on Tuesday, December 8th at 5:55p.m.
She was 8 pounds and 20 inches long and perfectly healthy.
We feel so blessed to have her and so happy that she made it here safely.
Nick is doing well and is an absolutely amazing husband and father. He is so wonderful!
I (Lisa) feel really good and can't wait to get home and start getting myself back to "normal" - whatever that is!!
The kids are not able to go to the hospital due to the new policies around the H1N1 virus. But, Nick was able to work his way around the hospital's firewall/safety protocols and set-up a video chat for them from hospital to home. Thank heaven for someone who knows his was around the computer!
When Grayce and Emma were shown a picture of Maggie they were so cute and excited. They kept saying, "Oohh Baby!" I can't wait for them to meet her in person. It is going to be an interesting adjustment, but I think they will do great.
I really miss seeing the kids. It is nice not having to do the day to day stuff, but I really miss the conversations and the hugs and kisses I so took for granted every day!
It is Abby's birthday today. Hopefully I will be able to meet her down in the lobby for a few minutes tonight. i think she has been having a good day.
Well, now that Maggie has been properly introduced, here are her sweet pictures: